Rediscover your PASSION for teaching
in six short weeks
(even if you are stressed & don't have a "Dream Class")

I help TEACHERS LIKE YOU put the joy and positivity back in their classrooms and transform their teaching experience.
Imagine If .... You Could
- Eliminate teacher overwhelm & stress
- Leave school every day energized & refreshed so you have something left to give your family
- Connect with students in a way that makes any group of kids a “dream class”

Teacher Friends, I'm here to help!
Get off the STRUGGLE BUS and use some SIMPLE TOOLS to put the PASSION back in YOUR CLASSROOM and YOUR LIFE!
If you’re ready to have more fun in class, and have more time and energy to spend with people and hobbies you love, I’ve got just the resources for you.
STOP SCROLLING through those snarky teacher memes, and invest some time in cultivating mindsets and practices that will make you FALL IN LOVE WITH TEACHING AGAIN.
I’m a teacher in my classroom every day, just like you. And I have you every step of the way! You can learn more ABOUT ME and my mision here
From The Blog

Can Positive Mindset Habits for Teachers Overcome Toxic Positivity in Education?
Is Toxic Positivity Real or the latest “Buzz Word”? Let’s get right to it – the foundation of my work in helping educators have a

Tips on Test Anxiety – 5 Easy Ways to Help Students Do Their Best
Do you remember needing tips on test anxiety when taking finals in high school or college? I do! I have a degree in multiple languages

Stressors for Teachers: One Powerful Strategy to Slay the Top One
If you’ve found your way to this blog, you are well aware that one of the biggest stressors for teachers is the overwhelming amount of